Final Cut Pro review: 7 advantages and 3 disadvantages

Are you an amateur or professional video editor? Let's find out together what Final Cut Pro has to offer, with its pros and cons.
Rédigé par David Lefèvre
avis sur Final Cut Pro

Given the meteoric evolution in the multimedia field, new software versions are being created at the same pace. However, we’re going to talk exclusively about Final Cut Pro. At present, many people are already familiar with this software. But there are also some who know very little about it. With this in mind, we’re going to find out more about this software in this article, detailing reviews of Final Cut Pro, features, functionality as well as advantages and disadvantages.

What is Final Cut Pro?

To begin with, let’s define this tool briefly. Final Cut Pro is video editing software. It is rather dedicated to professionals in the field. And in particular video editors and videographers. So it’s a professional program. It’s worth saying by way of clarification that this software is dedicated exclusively to the macOS system.

Note that the macOS system was launched in the late 90s by Apple. Back then,the tool was already able to win over many users, amateurs and experienced videographers alike. And in the present case, this software has become a must-have in the audiovisual world. Especially for video editing pros


Commonly used by video editing professionals on the Mac, Final Cut Pro offers impressive performance. Thanks to its ability to integrate other third-party systems, this software offers a wide range of creative possibilities in post-production. As a result, it offers unrivalled image quality.

Why Final Cut Pro is the best video editing software ?

You can’t just say that ! you need good evidence and good arguments to be able to justify such a claim.

Without talking about its features, we have to admit that the interface and work field on Final Cut Pro have an ultra-intuitive design. And that’s not all, because it’s also quick and easy to get to grips with.

As far as use is concerned, this tool lets you run video renders instantly. This, in effect, avoids the long wait at the end of the editing procedure and during export.

As far as use is concerned, this tool lets you run video renders instantly.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of Final Cut Pro ?


Here are the main advantages of the tool


  • It can be accessed at any time (24-7)
  • Data Import – Export capability
  • Video editing (with multiple editing options)
  • Audio management (sound optimization)
  • Image/photo management (for sharper visuals)
  • Particularly designed to run on Macintosh
  • Not subscription-based like its first competitor (Adobe)

Weak points

Despite these many advantages, the software also has a few drawbacks. Here they are:

  • The software is available and works only on macOS
  • Final Cut Pro’s interface is a little complicated compared to its competitors
  • Price a little high.

What are some alternatives to this tool?

Although Final Cut Pro is considered the best video editing software around, there are a few alternatives. Especially if you’re sometimes forced to work under Windows.

Here are the main alternatives to Final Cut Pro :

  • Adobe Premiere
  • Muvee
  • Loom
  • MacX DVD Ripper Pro
  • MacX Video Converter Pro

What do we think of Final Cut Pro?

It has to be admitted that Final Cut Pro is an excellent video editing program. So it’s neither surprising nor surprising that almost all video editing professionals opt for it.

Final Cut Pro offers the ability to work on image and audio without having to exit the software. What’s more, it boasts impressive processing speed. As a result, it enables the entire post-production process to be carried out while remaining within the same editing platform.

However, it could be much better if it adapted to operating systems other than macOS. This would make the software very versatile. At least, you were able to find out the details thanks to the Final Cut Pro review.

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