How do I create a single-product store on Shopify?

Planning to open an online store? Find out in this article how to create a single-product store on Shopify.
Rédigé par David Lefèvre
boutique monoproduit Shopify

Shopify has what are known as single-product stores, which are a great tool for online retailers. These stores sell just one item and allow customers to place orders quickly and easily. Customers don&#8217t have to create an account or wait to buy something, which makes the store very convenient for them. In this article, you’ll learn how to create a single-product store on Shopify so you can attract more customers.

Why choose Shopify for your single-product store?

Shopify is a CMS (content management system) that helps create an e-commerce store, such as websites that make online sales. It’s on a par with WooCommerce and Prestashop, except that WooCommerce is based on the WordPress CMS.

Shopify is a great option for department stores and personal e-commerce sites. The website can be designed to sell products online.

As its name suggests, Shopify is a tool designed to build a sales site. Since it’s a cms, it contains a number of different modules. This gives you a great opportunity to add many touches of personalization to your store.

What is a Shopify single-product store?


A single-product Shopify store will focus all its marketing efforts on a single product. The Speedfly theme was created to present a product in the best possible way, using a minimum of space and adding conversion tools. The customer reads the product sheet from top to bottom, following a linear hierarchy. This impresses the customer and gives him confidence, making him want to buy the product. The reader enjoys a comfortable reading experience. Shopify stores that are geared towards personal branding are optimized for mobile versions of websites.


  • You build your store faster
  • Much less time spent than niche or generalist stores
  • You focus your energy and marketing on a single product
  • Save time on your orders and after-sales service
  • You can copy policies and templates for other sites
  • Only one product copyright
  • .

  • More optimized and educated pixels
  • You don’t have to know anything about code

What are the steps involved in creating a single-product store on Shopify?

So, how do you create your single product store ?

Creating a single-product store on Shopify is based on creating a store around products and their upsells or extras, which will increase the average basket and therefore can make an online store unprofitable or unprofitable for a profitable business.

Finding the “winner” product and its extras

First of all, you need to find the product and its supplements. If you’re selling a great cat product, offer another, cheaper supplement, but you’ll be able to maximize your profit. If you offer the product as a refill, please provide the packaging with the refill.

Study the market

Second, of course, you need to research the market, do your research, see if there’s an audience, potential buyers, what the competition looks like. Without this step, you&#8217ll be diving headfirst into creating a store with a single product that doesn&#8217t support or meet the needs of its market. This is also the main mistake dropshippers make: none of them rush in without studying the market and thinking, “Will be glad my Uncle Roger has one!”


Creating a single-product store with a brand image

Third, you need to create a Shopify store with an authentic brand image: you need to maximize the perceived value of your product to your visitors with attractive marketing offers. So you make a good presentation, diagrams, pretty photos… all to easily differentiate yourself from your competitors, which often comes into play in dropshipping. But you’re a dynamite, you think methodically, analyze and move forward. You don’t start by selling a car, but to see if the wheels work!

Choosing the Shopify theme for your single-product store

The next step is to choose a theme for your single-product store. In fact, Shopify has many themes suitable for single-product sites. One of the best-known themes is Speedfunnel. But, you can also choose other themes that might match your needs and expectations.  

Find an expert for creating a Shopify single-product store

In the event that you want to have a turnkey Shopify single-product e-commerce site, it’s ideal to use the services of professionals in the field. To help you, there are many Shopify experts on the BeFreelancr platform who can create a Shopify single-product store for you in no time and at an affordable price.

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