How do you create a list of qualified and verified prospects?

Find out how to create a list of qualified and verified prospects to perfect your marketing strategy, we tell you everything!
Rédigé par David Lefèvre
liste de prospects
Table des matières

A prospect list is essential to any marketing campaign. It can be used for both telephone and written prospecting. These include e-mailing, messages on social networks and postal letters. But how do you create a list of qualified, verified prospects? In this article, we’ll start by explaining exactly what a prospect list is. Then, we’ll give you a guide and tips for its creation.

A prospect list: what is it?

A prospect list is the most important document in any salesperson’s arsenal. It helps you identify new prospects and track past conversations with potential customers.

This list is a database of people interested in your product or service.

Qualified prospects are those who have shown interest in your service or product, but who have not yet converted into customers. They may have visited your website, downloaded a brochure or requested more information.

Qualified prospects are those who have shown an interest in your service or product, but who have not yet been converted into customers.

Verified leads, on the other hand, are those who have agreed to buy from you. They can be contacted directly with the offer of your long-term product or service.

Verified prospects, on the other hand, are those who have agreed to buy from you.

What does a prospect list include?

A prospect list is a list of people or organizations likely to be interested in the product or service offered by a company. It generally includes :

  • company name, website, phone number, and other basic information about the company in question.
  • the prospect’s name, phone number, e-mail address, job title…

No matter what, you can add as much information as you like and deem necessary.

How to create a list of qualified, verified prospects


So a prospect list isn’t a new concept for you from now on. So, to create your list of qualified and verified prospects, all you have to do is take the following steps:

Select your ideal prospect

To create this document, start by selecting your ideal prospect. This helps you create the content of your campaign and set the tone for the message you’ll send.

In addition, this step remains essential in order for you to decide who you’re going to target in your awareness campaign. To do this, you need to consider (the) :

  • Replacement ;
  • Company size and sales;
  • Industry;
  • Job titles…

Review your prospect list

After your prospect launch, people or companies have probably expressed interest in your product or service. But to get rid of any bad leads, remember to clean up and check your list regularly. This will also ensure that you’re targeting the right audience.

Some of the ways to clean up your prospect list are to :

  • Make sure e-mail addresses are valid,
  • Check for duplicates in your database,
  • Add new prospects from social media, webinars, conferences, etc.

Organize and format your list of qualified and verified leads

The advantage of organizing and formatting your list of qualified and verified leads is that it allows you to make a better decision. In fact, the more organized the list, the easier it is to manage your prospect list and its updating. To ensure this, Google Sheets is a quick and efficient solution. But you can also entrust this task to a professional.  

What other tips do you have for creating your list of qualified, verified prospects?

Well beyond these steps you need to take to create a list of prospects, also consider :

  • Invest in customer relationship management software;
  • Always take the company’s finances into account when researching;
  • Create a buyer persona;
  • Validate contact information.

With these few tips, you know how to create your list of qualified, verified prospects without any intervention. So you can be sure of generating satisfactory results from your prospecting. No matter what product or brand you’re selling.

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