How to create a WordPress website?

Do you want to optimize your company's visibility and learn how to create a WordPress showcase site? Follow these tips.
Rédigé par David Lefèvre
créer un site vitrine WordPress

Today, to grow better, companies need to use online platforms. Indeed, to attract more customers and to compete with its counterparts, a company needs to publicize its existence and promote its products and services. Being visible on the Internet is therefore a lever for generating significant sales.


In fact, this is one of the purposes of a showcase site. Having a showcase site then presents all its importance for a company of any size. But creating a showcase site isn’t easy. Hence the question that often arises: How do I create a WordPress showcase site? To guide you in the creation of your WordPress showcase site, let’s discover the important steps to follow.

Choose a domain name for your showcase site

Do you want to know how to create a WordPress showcase site? You need to determine the purpose of your internet showcase site. Thus, you have 3 options make customer prospecting, provide various information or make promotion of services or products.  Next, you need to obtain the domain name for your showcase site. This domain name is the web address of your website. This is a key element not to be overlooked when creating your own site. It allows you to gain an audience, even new customers and also build loyalty.

To have a good positioning on search engines like Google, then you need to choose your domain name well. In general, your domain name should be related to the business. For your showcase website, then don’t hesitate to choose a name that matches your branding, your industry, or your company name. For example,

After finding a domain name for your showcase sites, you also need to choose extensions. Ideally, you should choose extensions or plugins that are easy to remember and easy to pronounce for better natural referencing. We recommend choosing a well-known and practical plugin like ” .com ” or ” .fr “.

Choosing a good web host

Next, you need to choose a web host that’s right for your business. Note that a web host is directly linked to the domain name you’ve chosen for your site. Its role is to receive all the files from your showcase siteon your pc. To find the best host, don’t hesitate to compare the WordPress hosting services of each company. You can also base your choice on a few criteria (backup system, server cost and response time, etc.

If you’re looking for a WordPress expert to help you create a showcase WordPress site, feel free to go to BeFreelancr.

Installing and configuring the WordPress CMS

The next step in how to create a WordPress showcase site is to install a CMS. The Cms or content management system is a tool that accompanies you in managing your WordPress showcase site in an autonomous way. Thanks to this tool, you can freely optimize your WordPress site and its natural referencing. There are many CMS available, but to choose the best, opt for the most famous, like WordPress. Indeed, WordPress is very practical, as it’s compatible with many supports (tablets, computers, smartphones, etc.) What’s more, it’s optimized for all mobiles with responsive themes and various plugins.

Optimizing WordPress showcase site design and content

To finalize your project to create your site, you need to optimize your web content and improve its ergonomics. First of all, to have a good visual identity, you need to choose a good logo. Llogos are important elements in the building of a website, asit will set your company apart from those competitors. Making a good graphic charter is then necessary to build a strong brand image with your customers and partners.  

Then, to ensure your site has an attractive design, choose a WordPress theme. For this, choose a popular theme, one that matches your expectations (paid or free).

Besides that, you need to optimize your content. To do this, regularly write quality content i.e. optimized in seo and well flowing. This will drive your new customers to take the step towards your company to benefit from your services.

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