WooRank : Presentation and Review of the excellent SEO audit tool

Are you looking for an excellent SEO audit tool? Find out all about WooRank and our review of the tool.
Rédigé par David Lefèvre

Natural search engine optimization (SEO) is currently an indispensable lever for inbound marketing. However, just because SEO is essential doesn&#8217t mean it&#8217s easy. That’s where the Woorank SEO tool comes in. Indeed, effective inbound marketing includes natural search engine optimization through SEO analysis tools such as WooRank. WooRank is software that can perform a complete audit and analysis of your site. This can be accomplished with SEO professionals using SEO pillars such as the free version of WooRank. To find out all about this tool, discover in this article the presentation and review of WooRank.

What is WooRank?

It’s software that can perform auditing and analysis. The creators of WooRank claim that their analysis software provides a complete SEO audit. It is created by taking a website URL and performing a search in the software. After that, website information is displayed in an easy-to-use interface. The creators believe this is due to the software’s ability to examine websites and recognize problems that hinder their performance. Typically, all users have to do is enter a URL


What are WooRank’s features?

Main features


This tool offers SEO professionals the greatest value of any added functionality. That’s because the report includes everything SEO-related that could negatively impact a professional’s performance, from titles and meta descriptions to keyword consistency and text-to-code ratio.


Woorank is a mobile-friendly analytics tool. It provides a comprehensive report on your website’s performance on a mobile device. This report can be accessed with a single click on the device’s touchscreen. In addition, other vital data such as device speed and font size complete the report.


Woorank uses indicators such as page load time, conversion form and content position on the page to determine whether a site’s ergonomic performance is relevant.


This solution offers a more in-depth look at the website being analyzed. It doesn&#8217t go as far as Built With, but it does provide a lot of interesting data about the technological setup of the analyzed website.

secondary features

social networks

Identify the existence of social networks linked to the site


Analysis of a website’s position in search engines for a specific query.


A rough estimate of traffic, Alexa ranking and geographic origin of visitors

WooRank pricing

As good as an SEO tool is, you need to consider its cost, factor it into your budget and choose a plan that fits your needs. We consider free offers to authorize Google Chrome extensions only as free demo versions.

However, WooRank has 2 fixed plans :

The Pro  plan:

This package is 53.25 euros per month for 1 year, paid in instalments. This means considerable savings compared to the no-commitment package of 80 euros per month. This package can optimize 1 site, track 50 keywords, analyze 2,500 pages and edit unlimited PDF reports.

The Premium  plan:

This plan costs €133.25 per month, or €1,599 per year.This premium package offers more flexibility to optimize 5 sites, monitor 250 keywords, explore 10,000 pages and still unlimited PDFs. There are other differentiating features, but the main ones are here.

Finally, for larger companies, build a customized offer with Woorank to suit your needs.

What do we think of WooRank?

Woorank faces fierce competition from other companies. They include Semrush, Ahrefs and others. This is a positive thing, as it motivates other companies to improve their quality and lower their prices. What’s more, our Woorank review is positive.

When he&#8217s not the only expert in his niche, he has easy-to-read reports and we really appreciate his SEO advice. There&#8217s a lot you can find out on your own with the help of an SEO, but he often has the exclusive authority on certain topics.

Although Woorank is a website manager, it’s a safe tool that all SEO experts recommend and use. By the way, if you’re looking for an SEO provider, you can visit BeFreelancr or Malt to find a quality web SEO.

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