5 automatic translation programs

Site translation is now essential for SEO. Here are 5 automatic translation programs to help you do just that.
Rédigé par David Lefèvre
5 logiciels de traduction automatique
Table des matières

Site translation is now essential for SEO. Here are 5 automatic translation programs to help you do just that. There are a thousand and one reasons why you should consider translating your site. The most important being to satisfy your visitors who are searching according to their needs.

That’s not all, it’s also a way for you to further optimize your position on search engines. It’s also a way of penetrating new markets and creating a new image for your product or service. Even on a personal level, translating a site can be highly beneficial. But how do you go about it? Here’s a closer look at 5 machine translation software.

Weglot: reliable machine translation software

Weglot is among the 5 most widely used machine translation software. It’s a translation plug-in for WordPress. But it’s also available on other web platforms at present.

To translate your site, you first need to install it while saving your custom settings according to your needs. Following this, you have the option of using the corresponding plug-in to automatically translate your site.

Advantages of this translation software include:

  • The accuracy of the result,
  • The presence of a configuration wizard,
  • The excellent default configuration setting, but which is customizable,
  • The presence of several design and display options.

As for its disadvantages, they lie in the fact that:

  • It requires an annual subscription of €99;
  • It imposes an arbitrary number of word limits.

WPML: The best in automatic translation software

WPML or WordPress Multi Langage is the best WordPress plugin of the moment among the 5 automatic translation software. This is due to the fact that it’s the most comprehensive in terms of translation. Not only that, but it has an easy-to-use interface offering a variety of options.

In addition to translating your content, it even goes so far as to translate your other plug-ins as well as your themes. Like Weglot, its use requires a license.

It’s easy to use, with a variety of options.

Among WPML’s advantages, let’s note that this tool is:

  • Very easy to use,
  • Configurable as desired,
  • Punctual,
  • But not only that, it simplifies the addition of translated and new language content as well as their modification. And it lets you translate other elements of your site and its navigation.

    Its disadvantages are that:

    • It requires time to learn and is difficult to set up because of its complexity.
    • The software doesn’t come in a free version and more often than not slows down your site.

    Bablic : A flexible automatic translator

    Bablic is machine translation software that provides services far beyond translation. These include support services. It is highly flexible and, as such, integrates with several platforms.

    These include Shopify, WordPress, Weebly, BigCommerce, Joomla and Squarespace. It works in such a way that all you need to do is paste the content to be translated into the translation box.

    Here are the advantages Bablic offers:

    • Great precision in terms of translation,
    • Clear and pleasant interface,
    • Unusual translation speed (in just a few seconds),
    • Easy to use.

    However, apart from these assets, the tool is only available as a bonus. This is a significant drawback. The same applies to the fact that you have to copy and paste the content to be translated. Which is a lot of work.

    Google Traduction: The most popular automatic translator

    Google Traduction is by far the best-known of all the tools offering automatic translation. It is subject to many modifications at the moment, but the resulting content is still not as decent.

    In fact, on the one hand, Google Traduction allows you to translate texts on an ad hoc basis. On the other, it offers the possibility of translating an entire page by pasting its URL into the section intended for this purpose. But it’s this latter option that makes much more sense in terms of productivity.

    With Google Translate, you have access to a tool:

    • Flexible, automatic and fast,
    • Free,
    • Only be aware that the quality of some translations leaves something to be desired. What’s more, you’ll need to edit the content before publishing it.

      DeepL: powerful automatic translation software

      The DeepL translation software, on the other hand, is a high-performance translation tool. However, unlike Google Translate, it cannot translate a page from a URL. On the other hand, it works well with documents in docx or pptx format.

      This makes it a valuable ally for students and professionals using Microsoft Office.

      It’s layout doesn’t differ greatly from other tools, namely with the presence of two panes. DeepL can detect the language of your source document, so all you have to do is select your target language.

      It’s easy to use.

      The advantages of DeepL are:

      • High precision,
      • How easy it is to use,
      • His ability to add additional information.

      The only downside is that it is unable to translate an entire page. However, the results don’t need to be reworked before being put online.

      It’s worth noting, though, that whatever your choice of automatic translator, it’s no substitute for a real human translator. If you don’t feel like translating your sites with automatic translators, opt for a real professional translator here.

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