How to write Terms of Use?

General terms and conditions are an indispensable part of any website. Do you want to know how to write a T&C? We'll show you how.
Rédigé par David Lefèvre
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One of the most important elements of a website is the CGU (General Terms of Use). It’s true that drafting these is not a legal obligation, yet they have considerable legal value. If drafting your website’s GTUs seems like a real headache, don’t worry. We’ll show you how to write CGU over the course of this article. There may be a few ways, so let’s get started !

What are the CGU of a website?

The General Terms of Use (GTU) of a website are a set of rules and clauses that define the rights and responsibilities of users and the site owner. They constitute a virtual contract governing the use of the online platform. These T&Cs are crucial, as they set the standards for access to the site, use of its functionalities, and user conduct while browsing. Although not required by law, the GTC have legal force and serve to protect the interests of the site owner in the event of a dispute. We recommend that you include these conditions on every page of your site, to clearly inform users of their rights and obligations. Precise drafting of the T&Cs is essential to ensure users’understanding and acceptance of the terms, thus ensuring harmonious and secure use of the platform.


Why are a website’s GTUs important?

The General Terms of Use (GTU) of a website are of crucial importance for several reasons. Firstly, they establish a clear contract between the site owner and its users. They define the rules of use, and the rights and responsibilities of each of the parties involved. By structuring these rules, T&Cs protect not only the interests of the site owner, but also those of users, by guaranteeing safe and compliant use.


In addition, the GTU serve as a reference in the event of a dispute or legal problem. They can be invoked to resolve disputes concerning site use, intellectual property or legal liability. By integrating the T&Cs into the day-to-day operation of the site, users are informed of the conditions to which they must adhere when browsing or interacting on the platform.

In short, GTUs are essential for establishing clear contractual foundations, protecting the rights of the parties involved and preventing potential disputes through rules that are transparent and accessible to all users.

How to write your GCU ?

General terms and conditions of use must be drawn up in due form. Since they integrate the legal plan, it’s important to include all the obligatory mentions. And not only that, but also those that will protect you in the event of disagreements.

Terms and conditions of use must include the following :

  • The description of the website : this is used to determine the aims of the site as well as the services offered. It is essential that the description is up to date on all site improvements.
  • User rights and commitments : this helps determine the role of each community.
  • User rules : especially on areas where users have free access (blogs, comments, etc.)
  • Intellectual property provisions : users have no right to exploit reserved content without the publisher’s consent.
  • Dispute resolution procedures : the publisher must specify the possible options here.

How to submit terms and conditions to users:

Terms and conditions of use are essential, but how do you get users to consider and accept them? Here are some effective strategies:

  • Use of checkboxes: Integrate T&Cs in the form of checkboxes during the registration or transaction processes. However, it’s crucial to convince users in a gentle, clear manner.
  • Explicit notification: Add a clear notification to users, for example: “By continuing to visit this site, you approve the terms and conditions”, to clarify their consent.
  • Careful drafting and approval: Clear and complete drafting of the T&Cs is essential to limit legal risks. Make sure users understand their commitments to your platform.
  • Use CGU templates: If you’re having trouble drafting your CGU, use free templates available online. Customize them to your specific needs to save time and avoid oversights.
  • Professional services: For a more professional approach, consider calling in an expert. This is particularly relevant for sites with a commercial or professional focus, ensuring compliance and legal clarity.

By following these tips, you can simplify the process of submitting and accepting TOS while enhancing your website’s transparency and compliance.

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